LENS Mapping People Symposium.
Mapping People raises fundamental issues about space and place. Representing our dynamic and diverse human nature is a complex and intriguing challenge. What approaches do we have for bringing the dimensions of human experience into our digital mapping projects?
Traditional methods of data collection, such as censuses and surveys, may be authoritative and comprehensive in their geographic coverage, but inadequate in their temporal scale. Mapping people from historical or antiquarian times relies on fragmentary records and traces that require extensive interpretation. In contemporary times, the advent of geo-tagged social media, and volunteered geographic information, have added rich layers that document cultural phenomena, but we have little control over their geographical extent and comprehensiveness.
Join us for the Mapping People Symposium to share your examples, and join the dialogue on how we map our human experience. The Symposium will be held Wednesday, October 31, 2012, at the University of Redlands, in Redlands, California.