From the CFP:
Duke’s Departments of Classical Studies and of Art and Art History and Visual Studies, in partnership with the Ancient World Mapping Center at UNC Chapel Hill, seek paper proposals for Digital Cartography, a conference on digital mapping and its multiple potential applications for a richer understanding of ancient history. We invite papers on individual or collaborative projects involving such approaches as mapping, photogrammetry, G.I.S. and remote sensing, virtual reality systems, the documentation of archaeological data, and communication both in the classroom and to a wider public. Preference will be given to proposals from graduate students and junior faculty.
Interested speakers (20 minutes maximum) should submit an abstract of no more than 500 words together with a brief C.V. to by September 15, 2018 (please enter “DigCart Abstract” in the message subject line). Those whose papers are selected will be notified by October 1st.
Read more here.