The application deadline for financial support to attend Workshop 1 at UCLA’s Culture Analytics Institute has passed. But you can still apply for financial support to attend Workshops 2, 3, and 4. Read full post here.
The Graduate Center is pleased to announce a groundbreaking new program and a fellowship opportunity for nine (9) doctoral students at the Graduate Center to engage with teaching and learning in community college contexts. Part of the four-year CUNY Humanities Teaching and Learning Alliance (HTLA), generously funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, this competitive…
Present-day research in the humanities and cultural studies is faced with a previously unimaginable body of research data from more or less heterogeneous sources, necessitating application of new computer-aided methods of knowledge acquisition. The aim of this funding scheme is to explore how such new procedures of digital humanities can be combined with “qualitative-hermeneutical” approaches,…
New opportunities announced at the Metropolitan Library Council and the NYPL Labs. The Metropolitan Library Council will award a fellowship beginning September 15, 2016 and the NYPL Labs will award two residencies by March 11, 2016. Read more here.
The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media has opened applications for its summer Digital History summer institute: “Are you a mid-career American historian interested in digital history training for novices? Apply now for one of 25 available spots for the Doing Digital History: 2016 summer institute to be held July 11- 22, 2016…
The Renaissance Society of America is pleased to announce that it will partner with the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) in 2016, to offer five tuition scholarships (each for one week) to current RSA members who wish to attend the institute. Read full post here
The Digital Methods Initiative (DMI), Amsterdam, is holding its annual Winter School on Critical Analytics and the Meanings of Engagement. The format is that of a data sprint, with hands-on work on engagement metrics for political, social and media research, together with a programme of keynote speakers and a Mini-conference, where PhD candidates, motivated scholars…
The University of Kent is seeking at least one highly motivated and ambitious PhD candidate to apply to work within the field of Digital Humanities. The successful candidate(s) will join the exciting new research community of the Eastern Academic Research Consortium (EARC), which unites Kent with the Universities of East Anglia and Essex as a…
The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) is offering a fellowship award to support original source dissertation research in the humanities or related social sciences at the Preservation Research and Testing Division of the Preservation Directorate at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. The fellowship is offered as part of CLIR’s long-established Mellon…
We are now accepting presentation proposals that highlight ongoing, current, and recent digital humanities work across The City University of New York, and would like to encourage you to consider participating. All disciplines, all research, and all students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend and present. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, November 10th, 6:30-8:30pm…