Call for Papers: Special Issue “Digital Humanities – Now and Beyond”

The MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research will publish a special issue in autumn 2014 titled  “Digital Humanities – Now and beyond”. The editors welcome submissions to the following topics of interest:

– What have we learned from the digital humanities so far?
– What is the future of the digital humanities?
– How does the digital influence research practice in the humanities – as source, as method, as tool, and as means of enforced communication?
– What new questions and approaches does the digital enable within the humanities?
– How do archival means of collecting and making available digital data affect the scholarly use of this data within the humanities?
– How do the digital and the non-digital differ, and how can new constellations of the digital and the non-digital within the humanities be conceptualized?
– In what way does the digital humanities represent a national-regional or universal vision?
– How can new digital infrastructures be incorporated into and implemented on the institutional level?

Submission deadline is 01 February 2014. For further information, please visit this page.

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