From the CFP:
This full-day pre-conference, to be held in The Hague on 8 July, aims to address the complexities of positioning libraries (and other CHOs) as digital humanities research partners. The question of CHOs and librarians as service providers or partners is a well-established, rich territory, with implications for labour and status. However, many are still finding their place in digital humanities due to questions of institutional commitments and external expectations. This pre-conference invites contributions addressing the topic of building trustworthy and sustainable research partnerships in digital (humanities) research that recognize the expertise of CHO staff…
We invite short papers, lightning talks, panels, and interactive sessions on themes including, but not limited to:
- Collections as data: building, maintaining, publishing, and contextualising
- Building and sustaining a technical infrastructure
- Building and maintaining Library Labs
- Sustainable organisational commitments and policies
- Staff skill-building / Library Carpentry
- Invisible or precarious labour / credit creep
- Relationship(-building)