About the fellowships:
MHLonArchiveSpark Development for the Digital Humanities: Hosted by one of our member institutions in New York, Boston, New Haven, Philadelphia, or San Francisco, the fellow will develop a user-friendly web interface and author supporting workflows to make MHLonArchiveSpark functionality more broadly accessible to researchers and better facilitate: 1) using the MHL’s Advanced Search Tool to identify a set of texts meeting user criteria and retrieving all of them from the Internet Archive and 2) using ArchiveSpark to extract the full text of a results set (including metadata) for the purpose of performing additional queries against that set.
Education and Outreach Fellow: The Medical Heritage Library (MHL) seeks a motivated fellow to assist in the continuing development of our education and outreach programs. Hosted by one of our member institutions in New York, Boston, New Haven, Philadelphia, or San Francisco, the fellow will develop curated topical collections or sets for MHL website drawn from the over 280,000 items in our Internet Archive library.