From the announcement:
It’s comin’ back around again! The Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon #DHH20 dates have been confirmed: 27.5.–5.6.2020. As a CLARIN and DARIAH summer school, the event will be truly international welcoming applications from all over Europe. This year we are prepared to sponsor around 20 participants from outside Finland with flights and accommodation (more information to follow). We are also a SSHOC training event and NewsEye project will have a strong presence at the hackathon.
The Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon is a chance to experience an interdisciplinary research project from start to finish within the span of 10 days. For researchers and students from computer science and data science, the hackathon gives the opportunity to test their abstract knowledge against complex real-life problems. For people from the humanities and social sciences, it shows what is possible to achieve with such collaboration.