We are seeking innovative research papers, case studies, and demonstrations of new techniques and applications that reflect the impacts of digital heritage technologies across the globe.
The born-digital edited volume, Writing History in the Digital Age, is an open-access collection of thirty essays under contract with the University of Michigan Press for the Digital Humanities Series of its digitalculturebooks imprint. The group invites open peer review.
This peer-reviewed series of tutorials and guides to getting things done in teaching and research with spatial tools and resources, is seeking high-quality (yet simple-to-follow) tutorials.
We invite proposals for inaugural conference at the Australian National University, Canberra, on all aspects of digital humanities in Australia, New Zealand and internationally, and especially encourage papers showcasing new research and developments in the field and/or responding to the conference theme of ‘Building, Mapping, Connecting’. CALL FOR PROPOSALS CLOSES: 11 November 2011.
The AHA’s 126th Annual Meeting in Chicago this January 5-8, 2012, will feature nearly two dozen sessions on digital history.
Come learn about developing mobile app platforms for history, capturing dance notation using an iPad, using gaming technology to teach the history of medicine, or applying crowdsourcing to culinary history … all in just two minutes
The Foundations of Digital Games conference, which covers research on a broad range of computer game topics, will be held in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA from May 29-June 1, 2012