ACLS invites applications for the ACLS Digital Extension Grant program, made possible by the generous assistance of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This program supports digitally based research projects in all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences. It is hoped that these grants will help advance the digital transformation of humanities scholarship by extending…
With the generous support of the Gerda Henkel Foundation, the German Historical Institute (GHI) and the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at the George Mason University (RRCHNM) invite applications for a 12-month postdoctoral fellowship in digital history. The fellowship will provide a unique opportunity for the recipient to develop an innovative research project…
The British Library is looking for university partners to co-supervise collaborative research projects that will draw on – and develop – aspects of digital scholarship. Funding is available from the Arts & Humanities Research Council’s Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships (CDP) programme, through which the Library works with UK university partners to deliver a bespoke PhD research and…
From the announcement: The Humanities Research Center hosts yearlong residential postdoctoral fellowships at Rice University for outstanding junior scholars. The program is designed to encourage interdisciplinary teaching and research, facilitate new research communities at Rice, and prepare junior scholars for future faculty positions. In 2016-17, Mellon postdocs will participate in the Rice Seminar, a yearlong research seminar designed…
From the announcement: The UCI School of Humanities invites applications for a two-year Digital Pedagogy Postdoctoral Fellow starting January 2016. The postdoctoral fellow will take a leading role in developing and implementing a coordinated approach to digital pedagogy for Humanities Core. News | UCI Humanities Commons.
The Conference on translingual and transcultural digital humanities is hosting a one-day Text Reuse Workshop for participants interested in learning more about semi-automatic detection of text reuse in digital textual corpora. The workshop builds on eTRAP’s research activities, some of which deploy Marco Büchler’s TRACER tool. Source: Call for Participation: Text reuse workshop at DH Estonia…
From the announcement: The Price Lab invites applications for the 2016-17 Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Digital Humanities. One award is available to an untenured scholar in the humanities whose PhD must have been received between December 2007 and December 2015. The DH Fellow is required to spend the nine-month academic year (September 2016…
From the post: The Digital Public Library of America ( invites interested and qualified individuals or firms to submit a proposal for development related to Heidrun and Krikri, DPLA’s metadata ingestion and aggregation systems. Source: DPLA: New DPLA Contract Opportunity: Metadata Ingestion Development Contractor
The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media is pleased to announce that applications are open for the 2015-2016 Understanding Sacrifice WWII Teacher Institute held in partnership with National History Day (NHD) and the American Battle Monument Commission (ABMC). Teachers from all disciplines who teach middle and high school are welcome to apply. The…
From the announcement: The Centre for Medical Humanities and Department of English Studies, Department of Anthropology, and School of Medicine Pharmacy and Health, seek to appoint two three year, full-time Postdoctoral Fellows to the Life of Breath project from September 2015 or as soon as possible afterwards. The Life of Breath is a five-year interdisciplinary research programme supported by a…