In July 2011, the Open University held a colloquium called ‘Digital technologies: help or hindrance for the humanities?’, in part to celebrate the launch of the Thematic Research Network for Digital Humanities at the OU. … a workshop was also held at the OU’s Milton Keynes campus on Thursday to discuss some of the key ideas that came from the colloquium and to consider the agenda for the thematic research network. I was invited to present in the workshop, and I’ve shared my notes and some comments below (though of course the spoken version varied slightly)
This session was about data curation and management (and finally we finally heard the term archivist!). Allons-y!
Assessing Data Management Needs at the University of Houston
by Christie Peters and Anita R. Dryden
For more information, they have a forthcoming article in Science & Technology Libraries
The first two documents produced during our 2011 NINES / NEH Summer Institute on Evaluating Digital Scholarship have been released: a Statement on Authorship and a set of Recommendations for Chairs of Language and Literature Departments for creating an atmosphere that is conducive to work in new media. We have others in the pipeline and will be releasing them in the coming months.
These notes are about the 2nd International Culture and Computing conference organized at Kyoto University.
The mission of the W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group, chartered from May 2010 through August 2011, has been “to help increase global interoperability of library data on the Web, by bringing together people involved in Semantic Web activities — focusing on Linked Data — in the library community and beyond, building on existing initiatives, and identifying collaboration tracks for the future.”
This past weekend I attended the Nebraska Digital Workshop hosted by the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities (CDRH) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, future host of Digital Humanities 2013.
‘The Future of the Past of the Web’, Digital Preservation Coalition Workshop British Library, 7 October 2011 by Chrissie Webb and Liz McCarthy.