Creative Commons image by vial3tt3 via Flickr

Like DHNow? Why Not Help Create It? Calling for Editors-at-Large Fall 2013!

We here at Digital Humanities Now invite you to become part of our Editors-at-Large team! We are recruiting new and returning Editors-at-Large for Fall, 2013.

Editors-at-Large monitor the work of the digital humanities community by reviewing aggregated RSS feeds from blogs, websites, and Twitter, and suggest content for publication in DHNow and the Journal of Digital Humanities.

Editors-at-Large are critical to helping DHNow reflect community interests, ideas, and opportunities. Becoming an Editor-at-Large also is a great way to discover the wide range of material and resources being produced in this diverse field and to gain experience working with RSS feeds and readers.

If you are interested in becoming an Editor-at-Large, please fill out our form.

This content was selected for Digital Humanities Now by Editor-in-Chief based on nominations by Editors-at-Large: