Digital Humanites Now has had a facelift!
In honor of DHNow’s fourth anniversary, PressForward graduate research assistant Sasha Hoffman has redesigned our website to improve readability and provide more information about our processes.
To highlight scholarship surfaced by DHNow, the five most recent Editors’ Choice selections are now featured first on the home page. The news items are now separated by type, with the three most recent visible at once. From each individual post you can directly click through previous and next posts within the Editors’ Choice or News categories.
The role of our community volunteer Editors-at-Large also is more visible on the new site in our new Editors-at-Large Corner developed by graduate research assistants Jeri Wieringa and Amanda Morton. There, anyone can find suggested evaluation criteria, full instructions for using the PressForward plugin, and a description of how we use the bookmarklet to nominate content.
For those interested in the materials considered and selected for distribution through DHNow, we have reinstated our unfiltered RSS feed. Temporarily unavailable since the demise of Google Reader, we now have built that functionality into our PressForward plugin. In addition, each Editors’ Choice piece going forward will include the name of the selecting Editor-in-Chief as well as Editors-at-Large nominating content for the week.
We hope that you will enjoy the redesign and consider signing up for a rotation as Editor-at-Large!