Editors’ Choice: Publishing scholarly papers with, and on, Wikipedia

Wikipedia welcomes expert contributions, and is one of the most direct ways to promote public understanding of a subject area, but it isn’t always in researchers’ personal interest to contribute. It may seem as though any time spent writing for Wikipedia is less time to write the research papers which will advance their careers. One scholarly society, and its open access journal, have found how to do both at once.

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This content was selected for Digital Humanities Now by Editor-in-Chief Lindsey Bestebreurtje based on nominations by Editors-at-Large: Ester Rincon Calero, James O'Sullivan, Kristen Mapes, Beth Secrist, Amy Wickner, Amy Williams, Daniel Chávez Heras, Aisha Clarke, Sarah Canfield Fuller, Andrew Hyde, Laurie Allen, Chiara Bernardi, Souvenise StLouis, Kevin McQueeney, and Steve Anderson