At the end of May, 2015, it will be exactly five years since the formal launch of UCL Centre for Digital Humanities. Our mission is “is to champion, catalyse, promote, facilitate, undertake, advise and publicise activities in Digital Humanities (with as wide an interpretation of that phrase as possible) throughout the founding Faculties and UCL, in all areas of teaching, research, enabling, and public engagement”. We’ve covered a phenomenal amount of ground in the past five years, most notably with the establishment of our ground-breaking MA/MSc in Digital Humanities, and the building up a list of (often prize winning) research projects with associated funding that runs into the tens of millions of pounds. 5 years! It’s all at once no time at all, and a chance to pause and consider what we’ve achieved in that time, whilst planning ahead for the future. In a fast paced research environment such at UCL, what have we learnt about Digital Humanities itself during that time?
Read More: 5 things we’ve learned about Digital Humanities in the last 5 years