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Editors’ Choice: Reflections on Digital Art History

It is the rare art historian who has not already had her or his teaching, research, and publishing significantly impacted by the technological changes referred to in shorthand as “the digital.” Slide libraries are obsolete, replaced by digital images and databases; images of variable quality and accompanying information (metadata) flood the internet; journals and presses publish in digital formats; and libraries, archives, and museums are digitizing the objects and texts in their collections. But none of this is primarily what we mean when we talk about “digital humanities” or even “digital art history.”

Read the Original Here: Reflections on Digital Art History

This content was selected for Digital Humanities Now by Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Westcott based on nominations by Editors-at-Large: Christopher Lao-Scott, Sasha Frizzell, Adriana Climescu-Haulica, and Catelynne Shadath