From the CFParticipation: We invite you to join members of the Digital Mitford project team from Monday May 21 through Friday May 25, 2018 for the Sixth Annual Workshop Series and Coding School, hosted by the Pitt-Greensburg’s Center for the Digital Text and the University of Pittsburgh Library Sytem. Registrations (online or check) are due by Tuesday, May 1. Join us…
From the call for participation: The impresso project is looking for associated researchers working in History, Digital Humanities, Media studies and related fields to work with us on the development of novel tools for the study of historical newspapers. We invite you to bring your field expertise in historical research methodologies. impresso. Media Monitoring of…
From the CFP: The Japanese Association for Digital Humanities is pleased to announce its eighth annual conference, to be held at Hitotsubashi-Hall, Tokyo, Japan, September 9-11, 2018 hosted by the Center for Open Data in the Humanities jointly with the TEI conference 2018. The conference will feature posters, papers and panels. We invite proposals globally…
From the CFP: Good news- after numerous inquiries about extending the deadline for our Fall 2018 Conference: Intentionally Digital, Intentionally Black, we have agreed to do so! You now have until Sunday, April 15th at 11:59pm to submit your abstract for a paper, roundtable, panel, poster, or digital tools demonstration. Read more here.
From the post: While DH is seen by some as especially interdisciplinary or more conducive to group work, linked data, and open research, including both access to results and participation in research itself, the very nature of its connectedness creates challenges for researchers who wish to assert control of data, have some role in how…
From the post: As an open-access journal comprised of educators, scholars, and librarians deeply committed to studying how knowledge is produced, preserved, and circulated, the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy is thrilled to announce a special themed issue on archives. Digital technologies have prompted renewed attention to archival research and teaching practices, creating new…
From the CFP: sx archipelagos is now accepting submissions for our upcoming special section “Slavery in the Machine,” guest edited by Jessica Marie Johnson. This special section aims to highlight scholarship situated at the intersection of technology and hemispheric American slavery. Topics may include but are not limited to: black code studies through a hemispheric…
From the CFP: sx archipelagos is now accepting submissions for our upcoming special section “Slavery in the Machine,” guest edited by Jessica Marie Johnson. This special section aims to highlight scholarship situated at the intersection of technology and hemispheric American slavery. Topics may include but are not limited to: black code studies through a hemispheric lens…plantation…
From the CFP: In 2011, Tanya Clement and Dave Lester convened an NEH-supported conversation titled Off the Tracks, which led to the eventual publication of the Collaborators’ Bill of Rights. Prompted by this year’s presidential theme–Textual Transactions–this guaranteed panel supported by the Association for Computer in the Humanities (ACH) will address questions of “transaction” as…
From the CFP: We are excited to announce that this year’s Keystone DH will be held at Penn State University in State College. Now in its fourth year, Keystone DH is an annual conference and a network of institutions and practitioners committed to advancing collaborative scholarship in digital humanities research and pedagogy across the Mid-Atlantic….