From the resource: One of my undergraduate colleagues at Rutgers, now Dr. Evan Taparata, revealed that he and numerous other scholars had collaborated at the University of Minnesota to develop the #ImmigrationSyllabus website about immigration concerns in history. As I read through the online resource, I realized that these scholars had already achieved many of…

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From the resource: Want to build a website right in RStudio? blogdown is an R package that allows you to create websites from R markdown files using Hugo, an open-source static site generator written in Go and known for being incredibly fast. You can read more about the differences between WordPress and Hugo (and other…

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From the resource: In Fall 2018, Professor Molly Ball’s History 252: Immigration in the Americas students developed original research based on archival and primary sources to explore how Rochester’s own immigrant history can not only enrich our understanding of the city’s history, but also further our understanding of transnational immigrant experiences throughout the Americas. One…

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From the resource: Jeopardy is a popular request from students who want an in-class review activity, but Jeopardy has some critical drawbacks. First and foremost, it asserts that there are right and wrong answers which can be condensed into minimal words. Jeopardy, by its very foundation, discourages nuance and critical thinking. It also prioritizes knowledge…

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From the resource: APIs, or application program interfaces, are a way for people to access data in a plain text format using multiple programming languages. Many websites, organizations and services offer APIs for accessing their data, like Twitter, Wikipedia, Reddit and OpenSecrets. This tutorial will walk you through accessing APIs from DataUSA and OpenSecrets in…

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About the resource: Think you need a computer to understand or practice the Digital Humanities? Think again! (And again.) We have built a collaborative card game, taking inspiration from tabletop games such as Pandemic, Ammonia, and Kate Compton’s Generominos. The principal act is the creative combination of DH tools and other technologies directed towards solving…

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From the resource: Postdoctoral positions in the humanities have changed significantly in the past two decades. The traditional model, which assumes that the majority of one’s appointment is directed at individual research, has largely been superseded by labor-intensive positions embedded in a department, library, center, institute, etc. These positions can be highly rewarding for institutions…

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From the resource: Digital archaeology, as I have conceived it here, is not about computation in the service of finding the answer. It is about deforming, and thinking through, the various networks and distributed agencies that tie us to the past and simultaneously make it strange, that enchant and confound us. There are any number…

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