Creative Commons image by Patrick Hoesly via Flickr

Editor’s Choice: A Working Definition of Digital Humanities

Hah! I tricked you. I don’t intend to define digital humanities here—too much blood has already been spilled over that subject. I’m sure we all remember the terrible digital humanities / humanities computing wars of 2004, now commemorated yearly under a Big Tent in the U.S., Europe, or in 2015, Australia. Most of us still suffer from ACH or ALLC (edit: I’ve been reminded the more politically correct acronym these days is EADH).

Instead, I’m here to report the findings of an extremely informal survey, with a sample size of 5, inspired by Paige Morgan’s question of what courses an undergraduate interested in digital humanities should take:

Read full post here. 

This content was selected for Digital Humanities Now by Editor-in-Chief Lindsey Bestebreurtje based on nominations by Editors-at-Large: Amy Williams, Brian Rosenblum, Forrest Rule, Kirk Hess, Sara Humphreys, Sarah Canfield Fuller, Sayema Rawof, Subhasis Chattopadhyay