Digital Scholarship has released the Digital Curation Bibliography: Preservation and Stewardship of Scholarly Works. In a rapidly changing technological environment, the difficult task of ensuring long-term access to digital information is increasingly important. This selective bibliography presents over 650 English-language articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in understanding digital curation and preservation. It covers digital…

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||| 臺灣大學數位典藏研究發展中心 (Research Center for Digital Humanities)|||. The Research center for Digital Humanities is committed to creating a complete digital research environment. The center also conducts research and continues to digitally preserve Taiwan’s important, unique and delicate cultural artifacts and historical resources. After the initial task of digitalization is complete, the center’s resources will be…

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Computer Programming and Literacy: An Annotated Bibliography » Nettework. With the recent uptick in the “everyone should code” movement, it seems that everyone’s now talking about computer programming as a new form of literacy. The terms by which people refer to the concept vary, but the central idea is shared: computational literacy; computational thinking; procedural…

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The digital revolution brings us all kinds of cool tools that make it easier to study, teach and present history. Interactive timelines are one of my favourites. Compared to their analogue versions, the benefits are clear: you can zoom in and out on time, minimize and maximize text boxes, add pictures and video, cooperate, share,…

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Field Papers allows you to print a multipage paper atlas of anywhere in the world and take it outside, offline, into the field. You can scribble on it, add features, or make notes about the area, all without a GPS or complicated GIS software. Once you’ve annotated your atlas, you can upload photographs of each…

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