Mentoring and Jobs Support | Association for Computers and the Humanities.
Are you on the job market? Are you looking for general career advice in the Digital Humanities? Do you have valuable career advice to give? If so, we hope you’ll consider participating in one of our mentoring initiatives. These include a “Jobs Slam” and mixer at the annual DH conference, and the our mentor-matching program, which heats up around the time of the DH conference, but runs throughout the year.
Here are some of the objectives of the mentoring programme.
- have new-comers to digital humanities meet more established professionals
- allow broader networking between digital humanists
- provide professional guidance about jobs and careers
- provide additional discipline-specific advice
If you’d like to participate in the mentoring programme as a potential mentor or mentee, please use our shiny new match-making mechanism by creating a new account at DHCommons and clicking on the ACH mentorship program tab in the left column. Alternatively, you can send the following information to Stéfan Sinclair:
- are you a potential mentor or mentee?
- what are your areas of expertise and experience
- if you’re a mentee:
- what would you value most from a mentor?
- is there anyone specific you have in mind as a mentor?
You should hear from us within a couple of days.