The KNAW, UvA, VU and IBM are developing a long-term strategic partnership to be operationalized as the Center for Humanities and Technology (CHAT). The members and partners of CHAT will create new analytical methods, practices, data and instruments to enhance significantly the performance and impact of humanities, information science and computer science research. As a…

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The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media announces the release of its newest digital tool, the PressFoward Plugin,  a tool for aggregating, curating and publishing content from the web. See full announcement here: Announcing the PressForward Plugin!

This is the crux of what I plan to say—or hope to say—at my professorial inaugural lecture at UCL on the 27th May 2014…I decided to call my inaugural lecture “A Decade in Digital Humanities” for three reasons. 1. The term Digital Humanities has been commonly used to describe the application of computational methods in…

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