July 23-August 11, 2012 Tufts University, Medford MA

This institute will provide participants with three weeks in which (1) to develop hands on experience with TEI-XML, (2) to apply methods from information retrieval, text visualization, and corpus and computational linguistics to the analysis of textual and linguistic sources in the humanities, (3) to rethink not only their own research agendas but also new relationships between their work and non-specialists.

SIG-AH and SIG-VIS (Arts & Humanities, Visualization-Images-Sound) of ASIST are joining forces to examine the digital humanities and information visualization with a group of papers to be published in an upcoming special issue of the Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.

By Scott B. Weingart
What I really want to highlight, though, is a brand new feature introduced by Wallace Hooper: automated Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) of the entire corpus. For those who are not familiar with it, LSA is somewhat similar LDA, the algorithm driving the increasingly popular Topic Models used in Digital Humanities. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, but essentially what they do is show how documents and terms relate to one another.