Intended for long-form scholarship, [Scalar] particularly facilitates work with visual materials and dynamic media (such as video and audio)… it enables writers to assemble content from multiple sources and juxtapose them with their own compositions.

Switch to OpenStreetMap and discover how you can build beautiful maps from the world’s best map data. We give you the data for free; you can make any map you like with it. Or benefit from the expertise of those already using OpenStreetMap. Host it on your hardware, or elsewhere. You have control. explains how to make the switch – from first principles to technical how-tos.

Many users have asked for support for advanced annotation tasks in ELAN, ideally using LEXUS to build, access and expand a lexical database. Making this possible is the objective of TLA’s newest project called LEXAN, a modular annotation support framework coupled to a new interface in ELAN. It will support different “annotyzers”,  i.e. modules that produce annotation suggestions for the researcher, including machine-learning modules.