From the CFParticipation: The ACH [Association for Computers and the Humanities] will host a Jobs Slam on Thursday, June 28, 2018 during the ACH’s General Meeting from 12:30 – 2 PM. The exact location of the meeting is still to be determined. Please stay tuned to @achdotorg on Twitter and the DH2018 conference website for information on locations….
As a first time attendee of MCN last week, I didn’t know entirely what to expect, other than all things digital plus museums. The program was really quite diverse, and ranged from relatively technical discussions (sometimes dry; sometimes hilarious) to more meta-professional sessions that really did function as a kind of group therapy. The latter sessions were…
I’m publishing my position statement for “Arguing with Digital History”, a workshop being held at George Mason University in September. We were asked to respond to the following questions: How is argumentation in digital history different from other forms of history, and how is it the same? Should DH argumentation be inherently disciplinary, or should…
Kevin Marks has created a web-based tool that helps those live-tweeting conferences. Lee Skallerup Bessette writes about Noter Live here.
The Conference on translingual and transcultural digital humanities is hosting a one-day Text Reuse Workshop for participants interested in learning more about semi-automatic detection of text reuse in digital textual corpora. The workshop builds on eTRAP’s research activities, some of which deploy Marco Büchler’s TRACER tool. Source: Call for Participation: Text reuse workshop at DH Estonia…