Editors’ Choice: Basic Numbers on DH 2016 Submissions

Twice a year I indulge my meta-disciplinary sweet tooth: once to look at who’s submitting what to ADHO’s annual digital humanities conference, and once to look at which pieces get accepted (see the rest of the series). This post presents my first look at DH2016 conference submissions, the data for which I scraped from ConfTool during the open peer review bidding phase. Open peer review bidding began in 2013, so I have 4 years of data. I opt not to publish this data, as most authors submit pieces under an expectation of privacy, and might violently throw things at my face if people find out which submissions weren’t accepted. Also ethics.

Read full post here.

This content was selected for Digital Humanities Now by Editor-in-Chief Ben Schneider based on nominations by Editors-at-Large: Antonio Jimenez-Munoz, Rebecca Napolitano, Freya Zinovieff, Covadonga Lamar, Eugenia Charoni, Grant Glass, Vanessa Stone, Kelly Wall, Marit MacArthur, and Ashley Christie