This is the rough text of a short talk I am scheduled to deliver at a symposium on ‘Future Directions in Book History’  at Cambrdige on the 24th of November 2011.

I am on the programme as talking briefly about the ‘Old Bailey Online and other resources’ (by which I assume is meant London Lives, Connected Histories, and Locating London’s Past, and the other websites I have helped to create of the last ten or twelve years).  But I am afraid I have no interest whatsoever in discussing the Old Bailey or the other websites.

NEH is soliciting proposals from institutions to participate in the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP). Over a period of two years, successful applicants will select newspapers—published in their state or territory between 1836 and 1922—and convert approximately 100,000 pages into digital files (primarily from microfilm), according to the technical guidelines (76-page PDF) outlined by the Library of Congress.

Deadling: January 17, 2012 for projects beginning September 2012